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About Hogwartle

Hogwartle is a very interesting game for fans of the Harry Potter movies and the magical school Hogwarts. Let's see how many words you can guess in the game.

When you start playing Hogwartle you may find that Hogwartle will also be very similar to previous charades that you have played. In every other respect, it functions exactly like the original game but they have a lot of new things waiting for you to discover. Enter words on the on-screen keyboard with five-word letters. No plural forms are permitted. Only Harry Potter-related words may be used as guesses or answers. It certainly makes it easier for you to guess the mysterious crossword, but it also brings certain difficulties. It's easy because you already know those words are only about the Harry Potter movie theme. The color of the words will change to reflect the accuracy of the response once the appropriate fields have been filled in. The term is present in the sentence but is placed correctly if it is highlighted in green. It is present in the sentence but in the wrong place if the word is highlighted in yellow. overs of this magical movie will surely enjoy it. As for those who have poor memory, we can watch and learn the movie again. More simply, we will search for information on the web, or ask for help from friends. It will be great if we have friends to accompany us and create fun moments together.

Game Control

Use your keyboard and mouse to move and arrange the text you want.